Friday, 29 June 2012

Finished Blanket

Finally I have finished my crocheted blanket :D I love it! 

Here are a few photos of its journey from little square to massive square.

p.s sorry that I've been a tad quiet recently I will hopefully keep up to blogging a bit more

All ready and waiting to be crocheted together
 A very organised operation with each row having its number taped down the edge.
Oops how did this happen? I had to take apart a complete row to sort this out

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Jubliee Week

Seen as Jubilee week is finally here I thought I would share from British/ Jubilee inspired goodies I've found on Etsy.

Please note none of these images are my own and I have acknowledged the proper owners underneath each photo.

Pretty sure this bus is my favourite but shhh...there all amazing

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Stop motion Crochet Blanket

Really should have updated my blog before now but been extremely busy and the sunshine is a distraction I apologise for.

Anyway take a look at my funky little stop motion my and my other half put together when we were sorting out the order for the finished blanket. I think it is positively brilliant and can't wait for it to be finished.

Heres a link (click here) to my originaly post all them months ago about my lovely blanket in the making

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Big Etsy Card Table

Just been looking on the KEPCALMEVENTS blog as I took part in their big Etsy card table at the weekend. It all looked very fun and appears to have been a success.

Here's a link to their blog post show and tell Etsy show

And here a photo I've borrowed  from that post (hope they don't mind) I can't see my little teddy bear business cards though..can anyone else?

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Some new cushion designs I have finally got round to photographing


 These beauties will be appearing on my website and Etsy shop in the near future

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

BCTF Favourites

I met so many lovely people this weekend and saw so many lovely products that I just have to share some of them with you all. I hope no one minds having a mention and a borrowing of a photo or too I have acknowledged everyone.

I'll start with the newcomers gallery first and many of my neighbours.

Now for a few others I spotted walking around, I've not put everything up otherwise you'd be looking at my post forever...While I would like you all to be on my blog forever I'm sure you all have lives that need your attention too so I'll try and keep it short.

Sunday, 15 April 2012


well it finally arrived. The British Craft Trade Fair in Harrogate started today so I have a few photos to share of my stall. I think I did quite well with my small stall budget, most things I alreay had. A lot of other stalls had lots of fancy cabinets and tables which worked well but I'm glad my more simplistic approach worked too....Although I think over loaded them with colourful teddies, bunting and key rings.

Tuesday, 10 April 2012


Love coming hoome to find little brown parcels inside the door.

Look at this lush fabric I've odered to make some last minute jubilee cushions to take to BCTF (british craft trade fair) at the weekend.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Easter Sunday Fun

Had a lovely relaxing Easter Sunday making friendship bracelts with the Mr (shh it was actually his idea too ;P)

Here is the website we originally used but decided it was a bit difficult for a first try

 So here is the link to the braclets we actually ended up making

 And here is the first design, proving that is isnt that hardd once you get the hang of...there was a lot of un-picking and re-doing for a while though

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

M&S Easter

After seeing Marks and Spencers Easter advert a thousand times I decided to have a proper look at there goodies and found this delicious recipe for what is pretty much bread and butter pudding.

But man it looks so good!
Heres the link so you can try it out yourself

Friday, 30 March 2012


Finally my bunting has its own little packaging.

I've taken loads of photos of it and its all come out a bit blurry so I apologise, I really do need to sort out my photography skills at some point.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

A Little Late

I've been very busy this week so heres a very late photo of the mothers day commission I created for my housemates mum.

Not the best photo I admit but had to get it quick before the postman stole it

Sunday, 11 March 2012


A day late in this post but ended up pretty busy yesterday.

CRAFTfest is now in full swing and everyone is eagerly awaiting visits to their sites.

Here is the link to my stall I've love for you all to pop over and take a look

And here is the link too the main categories, I have to say there are some beautiful things on sale

Wednesday, 29 February 2012


Love it! every colour way of my crocheted just to make a zillion more :D

Enterprise Nation

Hey everyone I am trying to get some funding to help my business in the next few months I would be ever so grateful if you could take a moment of your time to vote for me on the link below

Monday, 20 February 2012


Jon trying a spot of crocheting this weekend. Not sure he understood anything of what he was doing but he managed to make the inside circle of one of the squares for the blanket.

Don't think he was too happy about this photo...the amount of photos he takes of me and I have to force one out of him... ppffft